Why "Blue Heron"?
A brief story about our name: Blue Heron Financial Group. Over the years, LPL Financial has experienced tremendous growth as the largest independent broker/dealer in the country.* When I opened my office back in 1997, there were around 2,000 advisors under the LPL Financial umbrella. Today, there are over 16,000. To distinguish us from other offices, it became apparent that a name change was in order. While walking one early morning before work, it came to me as I watched a great blue heron along the beach. Such a spectacular sight! Majestic and calm, but a hardworking fisher and hunter. And every year they return like old friends; a constant in an ever-changing world - an inspiration! I was traveling out of state and decided to call the office during a break to share with them that I finally had our new name. Then, if you can believe this, as I'm talking, a blue heron descended from the sky right in front of me! Well, that clinched it and Blue Heron we are! - Margaret Kosmerl 2008
*Based on total revenues, as reported in Financial Planning Magazine. June 1996-2019.